SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic 1
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SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic

SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic . Internal linking of your website content is recommended for Better Google Ranking of a page. For manual coders of a website it is a tedious job. But for WordPress users , plugins make it happen with ease. Configuring the plugins is easy and is very effective.

SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic: SEO Auto Linker Plugin Overview

SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic: SEO Auto Linker Plugin Overview . A simply click on the link button in the WordPress text editor, link to existing content, and find the article you want to link to. However, the more posts you’ve written, the more difficult it becomes to remember everything you’ve published — in other words, you might miss an ideal internal linking opportunity.

SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic 1
SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic 1


The SEO Auto Linker plugin is a fantastic solution to this problem. From the plugin settings you are able to configure which keywords link to which URLs. Every time you use one of these keywords in an article, the plugin will automatically add the relevant link. This makes it super-easy to build a network of internal links — you can link to external websites, too, so you can also use this plugin to add affiliate links to your content.

From the settings, you can configure how many internal links will be shown per phrase — if you use a certain keyword a lot, you won’t want a link displaying with every use.

Finally, you can use SEO Auto Linker to add new internal links to all your older posts, something many of us forget to do. As you write new articles and configure the relevant target keywords, any uses of the keyword in existing articles are automatically converted into internal links.

SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic: WP Optimize By xTraffic Overview

The WP Optimize plugin performs a similar function to SEO Auto Linker: you can associate posts with target keywords, and the plugin automatically adds an internal link every time a keyword is used.

SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic
SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic

However, beyond this handy feature, the plugin offers quite a bit more — for a free plugin, WP Optimize has lots of functions. For a start, if you don’t have the time to set your keywords and target links, the plugin will use a related content algorithm to link to the most appropriate posts on your site.

The plugin will also automatically optimize your images for SEO by adding alt tags and reducing the file size — reducing file size will help your website load more quickly. Finally, if you are worried about people stealing your images, WP Optimize can also add a watermark to your images in bulk.

SEO Auto Linker vs WP Optimize By xTraffic

  • SEO Auto Linker free version is not updated since years but WP Optimize By xTraffic is regularly updated.
  • For getting updated SEO Auto Linker , you need to pay for it , while WP Optimize Free package comes with a lot of great features. Although premium version is also there but for most of the requirements , WP Optimise works.
  • SEO Auto Linker and WP Optimise both use the keywords to generate the Internal Linking , but We have noticed WP Optimize generating internal links even for the tags. This really makes it more effective.
  • SEO Auto Linker is limited to Internal Linking but with WP Optimise you can actually optimize your images. You can watermark your images. You can compress your images. This is really helpful for better SEO (Search Engine Optimization). AMP integrates with Compressed images in a better way.
  • WP Optimize is Light and the installation does not cause the reduction in Page loading time. But we experienced increase in Website loading time after we installed SEO Auto Linker.

Here you can find the official links for –

WP Optimise by xTraffic.

SEO Auto Linker.

Moral – We recommend WP Optimise over SEO Auto Linker . The Recommended plugin is fast , responsive and does not effect your website loading time

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