Transfer money from PhonePe to Paytm

Transfer money from PhonePe to Paytm

Transfer money from PhonePe to Paytm. You can send / add / transfer money from Phonepe to Paytm account for free. Phonepe is an Indian origin E Wallet which Flipkart owns. Just like other E Wallets, PhonePe assists in transferring money from one to other. The app is giving excellent offers for promotion and is even gaining high popularity. Buy there are not as many users associated with it, as are associated with Paytm.

Transfer money from PhonePe to Paytm
Transfer money from PhonePe to Paytm

I have seen many users, who just for better deals, install Phonepe, make the transaction but then feel reluctant to use. One option is that they transfer the money to their bank account. The other thing that comes in mind is that to ask a way which can allow to transfer money from Phonepe to Paytm. That is possible.

Transfer Money from PhonePe to Paytm

Just note your VPA (Virtual Payment Address) before you read the steps. This will be mentioned in your PhonePe app. VPA allows you to send / receive money using UPI (Unified Payment Interface). Also, you need to open PAYTM for this.

Also read –

Steps to Transfer Money from PhonePe to Paytm

  1. Open the PayTM app and click on Add Money.
  2. Enter the amount of your choice and select the next option as UPI.
  3. Enter your VPA and select next to proceed.
  4. Open PhonePe and confirm the transaction request.
  5. That’s it, the money will be transferred from PhonePe to Paytm.

Benefits of Using PhonePe

If i mention benefits of PhonePe, i am just writing the details of benefits of E Wallets. I think you guys know much details about it now. After Demonetization in India, every body uses E Wallets. Interesting to note is that there are many new E Wallet companies which are boosting up their business now. For promos, they offer exceptionally interesting deals which attracts the users. The already stable E Wallets like Paytm aregetting tough competition and to make their presence stronger the deals and offers from them are even more captivating. So think wisely and conclude who is offering better deals before you transfer money from PhonePe to PayTm.


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