Download Hike Messenger Nokia Asha 309 – Quick download link to install Hike messenger on Nokia Asha 309/501/230/305/X2-01. Hike messenger is a popular instant messaging app which enables you to share images , songs , documents , music and other files. Whatsapp is being challenged by many instant messaging apps and Hike messenger is one of them.

Hike messenger is tough competition to Whatsapp. The reason being its possibility to send stickers. It is fast and more lighter.
Stepwise guide to Download Hike Messenger Nokia Asha 309 :
Hike Messenger is available on Nokia Asha 309 and all other models. The common Nokia Asha handsets which supports hike are Nokia Asha 301/501/230/305/X2-01.
Hike Messenger Nokia Asha 309 is free to download.
Follow the easy steps to Download Hike Messenger Nokia Asha 309 :
- Go to Settings and enable third party apps installation. Some models have this option.
- Download HikeMessenger.Jar from the below Given link.
- Click on install on the downloaded java file.
- Follow the onscreen instruction.
- Restart your phone.
That’s it. You can now are done with download Hike Messenger Nokia Asha 309.
Features of Hike Messenger : Download Hike Messenger Nokia Asha 309
- Do Real time chat conversations.
- Possibility to share images / PDFs /Documents /Music /Images/videos/stickers and many more.
- You can Share your location.
- Set your profile status and Profile pic.
- Free calls over internet.
- Promote web content. sharing of website links.
- Your phone number is your account id. No emails required.
Hike Messenger can also be downloaded for Java mobile phones. Java mobile phones like Nokia 5130 are still in demand. You can refer to the below post which will guide you to install Hike Messenger Java.
Click here to read the article which will guide you to install hike messenger Java.
You can also refer the below post which will guide you to install Facebook Messenger for Java Phones.
Do mention in comments if something is not working. Enjoy the Download Hike Messenger Nokia Asha 309.