Coronavirus is the concern all over the world and your smartphones need special care as well. People use their phone all over the day and if a person has infection it is obvious that the virus will be there on the patient’s mobile device as well.

If you use public places even if you are maintaining social distancing, there is a high probability that your phone is exposed to the small micro biological viruses which may make you ill. Smartphones need special care as well.
If you use public places even if you are maintaining social distancing, there is a high probability that your phone is exposed to the small micro biological viruses which may make you ill.
It is also very important to note that if you use any alchohol or any harsh soap, you may degrade the coating from your device. I am not bothered about your phone color in this situation, rather i am saying you should be cautious to save the water resistant coating.
Think Before you use Harsh Soaps
Why is it important to Clean your phone from Covid19 Virus
It is important to prevent us from transferring the virus through physical contact. In fact, according to a 2019 survey by research firm dscout, the average person touches their cellphone 2,617 times daily.
“However, as often as we touch our devices, washing our hands before every new contact with the device would be impractical,”
In light of this fact, wiping down the touch screens and cases of our phones “should be a part of our routine.”
Steps to Clean your phone from Covid19 Virus
- Put Isopropyl Alchohol in a small tub.
- Add very small amount of water and common salt in it to make a solution.
- Open up the back cover and unplug the accessories.
- Take soft micro fibre & soak in the solution.
- Wipe off the phone with the cloth to disinfect the device.
It is intereting to note that, though this does not kill 100% virus, but researchers say, it reduces the risk of getting infection to a very high probability.
Alternative of Isopropyl Alchohol :
If you do not have Isopropyl alchohol, you may use your drinking liquor as wel. It is important to note that, home liquor is not replacement of Isopropyl achohol, but is better than every other thing available at your home. In case, you do not have alchohol as well, you may use alchohol based perfumes or deodrants.
Important things when you disinfect your mobile from virus & germs
- Do not do excessive wiping.
- Turn off phone, remove charger and other cables before cleaning,
- Do not dip your device directly into alchohol.
- Use only a soft cloth. Prefer microfiber.
- Keep liquids away from your device.
- Don’t allow moisture to get into any openings.
- Avoid aerosol sprays, bleaches, and abrasives.
- Do not spray cleaners directly onto your device.
Other Options
There are UV – Rays cleaners available in market which will disinfect your device. If you can afford, you may definitely buy it for yourself. But do not do it now. The Virus can stay active on plastic surface for days and there is a chance of getting the infection through shopping as well. For now, opt for this home made disinfectants and may be in future you can go for the UV Disinfectants.