Bluestacks Black Screen. Fix Bluestacks Screen Error. Resolve the common Bluestacks Black Screen error. You can get the error where bluestacks show black screen error just in few minutes. Lets check out the stepwise guide that will let your black screen disappear and you will be able to enjoy android apps on your computer.

Bluestacks is the most popular emulator that helps you run the android apps on your computers and laptops. There are different reasons when you get the bluestacks black screen. So, to provide an easy solution i have listed some of the major ways, with which you can solve the issues Bluestacks gives black screen when you use it.
You don’t have to worry about any proxies or firewalls if you sit in a College or Some other restricted network. Just install Bluestacks and you can use every app which is available on Google Play Store.
If you don’t have Bluestacks. You can get it from this link.
Windows users can download bluestacks by clicking here. MAC users can download bluestacks by clicking here.
Fix Bluestacks Black Screen error
Bluestacks Black Screen – App Version issue
Sometimes it is the App which is the problem. This means the problem of bluestacks black screen may be app specific. To fix this, try to click on the home button of bluestacks which is present at the bottom center. Alternately, restart bluestacks and try running other apps.
If bluestacks is running other apps properly then the problem was definitely due to that specific app. In this case just try updating the app. If the problem still persists follow the next step. -
Bluestacks Black Screen – Graphics Card issue
It might be the graphic card because of which app is not working in Bluestacks and you are getting the black screen. It can be the Nvidia Graphics card which is installed on your machine. Do these basic settings for Nvidia Graphics card and your problem will be resolved for sure
- Go to desktop, right click there and open settings for Nvidia Graphics card.
- Now head towards Manage 3D Settings -> Program Settings -> Here Click on Add button -> Add Bluestacks Frontend
- Now scroll down a little and turn off the Threaded Optimization option.
- Quit bluestacks from the tray icon.
- Restart bluestacks and you will notice that your problem is now fixed.
Bluestacks Black Screen – Driver Issues
If the above steps does not work, You can finally Update your Graphics Driver. To update your graphics card driver just go the official website and download the latest driver from there. Now uninstall the old driver and install the new driver and restart your system and then try running bluestacks.
This will solve your problem for sure. If you still have any issues, drop a comment below. I will be happy to help you.