Delete Facebook Account. The steps that will assist you to permanently delete your Facebook account. After the Facebook false activities, people are searching for a wayout to delete the Facebook account of any user. This article will assist you in closing the profile and after this nobody else will be able to contact you or check you on Facebook. It is true that most of you are wasting your precious time on Social Media like Whatsapp and Facebook. If you have decided to delete your profil, i won’t stop you. Rather, i will help you to proceed so that you can delete facebook account easily.
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How to Delete Facebook Account
Facebook offers a temporary deactivation of account as well. In that, you can re login to your facebook account if you want to do that in future. I hope, you are sure that you wish to delete your account permanently. Let’s proceed and learn how to do that.
Steps to delete Facebook Account
- First of all Open your browser / app and login to your facebook profile.
- Then search for account deletion from settings or directly click this link.
- Facebook will ask you to confirm the decision. Confirm the same and proceed.
- It will take 90 days of time and your account will be deleted in this time duration.
- That’s it. Enjoy.
Can i re login to my Facebook profile if i delete my facebook account
No, you can not. But if you deactivate your account, you can re login to facebook anytime you want.
Does Facebook keep a backup of my data after i delete my profile
No, after 90 days of your request to delete the Facebook account, facebook deletes all the content and data from its servers.
Does anybody in friend lis get notification after my account is deleted
No, it is anonymous. There is no notification for the deleted account to the connected friends. They will get to know if they are not able to see your profile on Facebook.
Will i lose the connected apps login information if i delete facebook account
No, the existing accounts which were created using facebook will work. This is because at the time of account creation, facebook just provides the email and password for the new account. But, you will be no longer able to use Facebook details for joining other platforms which support facebook login. You also lose access from the platform applications.
Important when you delete your Facebook account
Now a days, people are more frequently searching out for this query. More and more people are finding Social media a platform for depressed. Researchers are finding that social media addicts are more prone to serious depression states. The people with more number of facebook friends seem to be less social in lively moments. What is the use of this. I hope, you will wisely decide and will accordingly proceed to delete your facebook account. Social media is a good platform to stay connected but it should be used intelligently.