Change Snapchat Score. This Post will help you change your Snapchat Score . It is a simple hack tweak to increase Snapchat score. Snapchat is a popular Social Media Application , which allows you to Share Photographs and Videos with your friend circle.

Change Snapchat Score : What exactly is snapchat score:
Snapchat score is the sum total of all snaps sent and received, according to Snapchat’s website. Every time you send out a snap, your score is increased by a point. And every time you open a snap, your Snapchat score also increases. However, you do not receive a score for chats. In some cases, your score may suddenly increase or decrease. We’ll take a closer look at the possible reasons for this in this post. Also Read – Snapchat Cydia Tweak to download Videos.
Truth be told, it’s actually all so very difficult to correctly define what a snapchat score is. But the intended definition is that it is the sum total of all snaps sent and received, which it is not.
Snapchat Score is displayed next to your username. You can also see the scores of your friends and some public profiles.
Inorder to see the scores of your friends, swipe right on their name to start a conversation and click on the 3 lines adjacent to their name at the top.
We have explored the best iPhone tweak to save instagram photos.
Here is the post which will guide you to save Instagram photos on iPhone.
Logic behind the strategy to Change Snapchat Score.
We are making you to perform the activities which if you do with the Normal Snapchat , you will reduce your Snapchat Score.
To be clear, for in case you take a screenshot of image shared by your friend , Snapchat Algorithm will keep decreasing your Snapchat Score. This kind of things you can do with a jailbreak installed tweak and your score will not affect. For e.g. , If you have the Jailbreak tweak installed , and still you take the screenshot , your friend won’t get to know. Also , the Snapchat Algorithm will not reduce your score.
Our team is also working on a tweak to increase snapchat score as a text value but till then you may enjoy with this tweak.
Phantom Jailbreak tweak. Change Snapchat Score.
First of all you need to have a Jailbroken iPhone . Don’t worry if you do not have one. Jailbreaking your iPhone is very easy. You may refer to this post for the stepwise guide to Jailbreak iPhone.
- After you have Jailbroken your iPhone , Launch Cydia.
- Search for the tweak – Phantom.
- Install Phantom on your iPhone,
- Respring your mobile phone after the installation is done.
- Now you can use the features which if in case you use without the tweak , will reduce your Snapchat score. Also it will not allow your friends to know if you are taking screenshots.
- Also , the same tweak is used for Saving Snapchat Photographs on your iPhone. We have published the complete post for the same before. Here is the link for the same.
So enjoy the tweak and change snapchat score .