Now Pokemon Go in INDIA also. After a success hit of Pokemon Go, directors got a new topic nowdays for a movie on the sensational topic, i.e. Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go was launched on 6th July 2016 by Niantic Labs. Pokemon Go is most overrated reality game. This game is compatible with Android and Ios.

Pokemon Go is such a success that in 15 days of launch, more than 30 million people downloaded this game worldwide.
Since launch Pokemon Go has been very impactful and engaging, here are some stats.
- Nintendo’s share have more than doubled.
- Pokemon Go is the currently the world’s most popular web service. It has surpassed Whatsapp, Fb, Snapchat with an average daily usage of 43 minutes EVEN more popular than PORN
- Pokemon Go shall launch in Japan soon along with a partnership with McDonald’s. McDonald Japan saw anincrese of 10% in its shares after the announcement.
Mainly because of the nostalgia associated with it. After 2003 when Pokemon launched on Cartoon Network it became an instant hit and still after 12 years it has substantial merchandise value.
The age of people playing Pokemon Go is between 23 to 35 both male and female. These are the same people who were kids when Pokemon used to come on TV. Thesy used to buy collectors cards worth hundreds and thousands and exchanged them with their friends. For them Pokemon Go brings enormous sense of nostalgia and a moment to relive their childhood.
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