Reset Watusi Passcode | Cydia tweak : Watusi is a Cydia tweak to Hack Whatsapp feature. This is available for Jailbreak users. But what if you forget your Watusi Passcode. Actually Watusi has a feature to Lock Whatsapp Chats with a Passcode.

What to do if you forget Watusi Passcode | Reset it obviously , But how to do?
If you forget Watusi Passcode , Watusi does not provide step wise procedure to Reset Watusi Passcode. Even if you uninstall and install Watusi again, It will not work. Even i too had no clue with the issue resolution before.
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I had to search internet a lot to get a proper procedure to Reset Watusi Passcode. It happened by chance. I was not able to find the solution , then i followed the developer of the Cydia Tweak Watusi on Twitter.
There i asked him to provide the resolution. He reverted back with the proper resolution. This helped me to Reset Watusi Passcode.
You need to install another Cydia Tweak – Watusi Password Reset , to Reset Watusi Passcode
- For that you need to Launch Cydia.
- Add a Repo –
- Search for the Tweak “Watusi Password Reset”.
- Install and Follow the Onscreen instructions.
- After you install the tweak , it will reset Watusi Passcode.
After your passcode is reset , you can uninstall the Cydia Tweak – Watusi Password Reset.
Enjoy the Watusi Password Reset Tweak. Reset Your forgotten privacy passcode.